Calligraphy, hand lettering & design

Hi, and welcome to my website ! My name is Nicolas Bordes, a young lettering artist living in the ancient city of Poitiers in France. I do calligraphy, hand lettering, logo-design, street art and more… To me, letters act as individuals and I try to make each one of them unique and different from the others. My work strive towards movement and expression of the line, and does not focus so much around the traditionally beautiful or decorative. That said, I’m still sensitive to formal letters and have spent many hours studying and refining their basic forms, their shapes and contours, and growing to understand the right balance between positive and negative spaces. Nonetheless, in my creations, I’m often looking for something less predictable than a mono-rhytmic approach.

In fact, I like to play with the rhythm in small or bigger ways. My main focus is to create organic layouts, where each mark is interacting with the whole picture and shows emotion and purpose. I believe that I can somehow transpose the feeling or the meaning of a text by the degree of atittude, energy and character I give to my letters. In general, I work without expectations and without a predetermined outcome. If people want me to do so, of course I can carefully plan a layout, but most of the time I’d rather just let it happen.

I work with a wide variety of tools and media. I like both brushes and pens. Whenever I want to step away from paper I’ll pick up a brush, because I find that it allows me to explore different surfaces. And I have a personal interest in street art and murals. I love to paint calligraphy on walls ! It’s a very interesting approach where you have to think in huge proportions, and sometimes you need your whole body movement to make a stroke. It’s like dancing over the wall, and I kinda like to dance !

Have you ever considered hiring a Calligrapher?

Are you looking for calligraphy, hand lettering or logo-design services? Feel free to send me your questions in the contact form page.
Whether you want to commission work from me or know a bit more about my work, I’m all ears!
Are you looking for other approaches? Please visit Portail de la Calligraphie Latine for more

Esthétique & Design

Les lettres offrent un large choix de design. Choisir son style, choisir son tempo, choisir son équilibre et son poids, c’est autant de questions qu’il y a de choix. Voici des exemples de directions graphiques possible parmi tant d’autres

On peut jouer sur des contrastes forts, accentuer un élément central, suggérer un sentiment d’énergie, de fluidité, ou a contrario de tranquillité, épouser des standards élevés…

Quelque soit l’idée que vous souhaitiez exprimer, il existe une solution graphique adaptée.

Calligraphy Shows & Events

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Yves Saint Laurent – Dior – Swarovski – Giorgio Armani – Lancôme – Nespresso – Roger & Gallet

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